Monday, June 3, 2013

The Beginning

It's my first time blogging, and I can't express how anxious I am. I would like to introduce myself as well as explain why I have started blogging.
You all can call me Starry, and I've started blogging because I want to inspire. Sounds cliche right? But it's true- for the most part. I also wanted to indulge in the details of "pretti-fying" my blog since I love to do that type of thing with basically everything. 

This blog will contain a variety of things- ranging from writing excerpts that I don't have a backstory for and youtube videos that I love as well as my artwork to even volunteer projects that I would like to promote, book recommendations, and interesting food.

Anything inspiring. 

Inspiration 1: SNSD 
I am first and foremost- an avid S♥NE. For those who do not know, a S♥NE is a fan of Girl's Generation, the English translation of So Nyuh Shi Dae (what SNSD stands for). Yes, they are a foreign music group- and even though they may not appeal to everyone, they have definitely inspired me. For people who have never watched them- they are wonderful girls. 
You may ask, "How would you know?" and as a fan, I can never be sure. But I do believe that these girls are genuine and honest, hard workers for sure. And the most inspiring part? 

They're dream chasers

One of their older songs: Into the New World.

The lyrics are very inspiring to me and this video might be one of my favorites.
It shows how "real" they are.
(the video is not in English- but I believe you don't need to understand them to see how these girls are like)

Inspiration 2: Writing
I sincerely love to write. It brings me joy and a great sense of satisfaction. Even though I go to a school that is so math and science focused, I cannot forego writing. I believe that I have a certain knack for it too- though that can be left up to more objective judgment. 

And as I lay my head back down, the drops curve into my small smile. They taste like the sea- thick with my sadness. So as the velvety light from the candle dims and gentle night breeze begins to rustle my sheets, I take a long, deep- shaky breath. Salty sadness fills my lungs but a clearness becomes evident in my head. 
Tomorrow will be a new day.

Inspiration 3: Art
I am also an artist. I love to create things- no matter the medium. I've worked with a variety of mediums: oil pastels, water color, acrylic- the list goes on. Though I am nowhere near what you would call- a good artist. I just love art. 

And the last one- might not simply be an inspiration.
But more of a reason. 
My Lord has gotten me farther than anything else in this world. 
"So I'll be my brother's keeper" 

This blog is for me.
This blog is for you. 
This blog is meant to inspire me-
and I hope it inspires you as well.

Sun showers come unexpectedly, the small rain droplets tickling your skin on a sun-kissed day. I would like this blog to be like a sun shower- unexpected, warm, and one that leaves a tickle in your heart. 

Blogger Question: What inspires you?

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